AUTHENTIC   TIBETAN    COOKING   CLASS  AND  DINNER – Come learn and/or witness monks make Momo’s/Naan and or Thenthuk – or not) 


You can invite between 10 to 30 people, or more if there is plenty of time.  This event can be done in the evening, after a day of mandala making, or not.  If in the evening, two monks and driver will leave the mandala making event and go food shopping that afternoon.  They will need to know if you want vegetable Momo’s or meat Momo’s or a combination of both and for how many people.  Plan the menu beforehand and communicate it to them.  They can also make Naan – a flat bread. You can ask guests to bring other dishes like rice, veggies, desserts.  Or not – this can be any way you see it. 

Example:  Cooking lessons starting at 5:30pm, dinner around 6:30pm – closing prayer ceremony, or house blessing by 7:30 or 8 – over by 9pm.  The monks will leave the mandala event probably around 3pm, do the shopping and go to the place (can be someone’s home, or a catering hall, church kitchen/dining area, etc) where the cooking and eating will take place.  They will start cutting up everything and get start until the registered cooking lesson guests arrive around 5:30.  Then they will teach them how to roll the dough and stuff and shape the momo.  LOTS of fun! 

Other people who do not want the class, but just want to come and eat, should arrive no later than 6:15pm,  Just before eating, say 6:30pm the monks will chant food blessings. 

Eat, relax, have fun.  Casually mix with the monks.  Don’t let them all sit together if possible.  You can tell them that the Americans would like to be with them, even if there are language difficulties.  Sharing food is universal and requires little conversation.

After dinner – 7:15 – 7:30 ish… you can have the monks do a Tea Puja or chant Om Mani Padme Hum for 15 minutes to 25 minutes.  You can give a brief introductory talk about why the tour is here, what happens to their donations, and introduce the Tour Leader who may also want to say a few words before praying.  Then the night would end.

For something like this people should be asked for a suggested donation of $25.00 to $35.00 (with the class) per person – IF you feel your community can afford this.  There is a big difference between very affluent communities and poor ones, so you decide.  The host should pay for all the groceries – especially if their house will be blessed during the prayers after dinner.